Milla LeGette is a member of the CEO Riverbend Association program. She is a senior at East Alton ... Learn More
Milla LeGette
About Me
Milla LeGette is a member of the CEO Riverbend Association program. She is a senior at East Alton Wood River High School. Milla is a 4 year varsity basketball player who starred in the beginning of every game as the point guard. She always tries her best to be a part of the community by partaking in basketball camps for little kids, social events, and in concession stands within every sport. Milla is very interested in helping the community fill their stomachs and watching people have a good time. She is wanting to get a degree in accounting and after her bachelors in culinary arts. With being in the CEO Association she is very grateful for the opportunity to participate to learn and grow alongside my peers.
Milla LeGette's DISC Profile